🌱How to Make Your Own Magical Oils & Recipes🌱 (Patreon)
Another wonderful gift you can give the witch in your life are magical ritual oils! You can purchase ritual oils that are pre-made or you can create your own! Here are some recipes and ways to use these oils whether you made them yourself or bought them. What are some ways you use ritual oils? Remember you can substitute any ingredient to make it your own. This post is a combination of great resources that I found really helpful!
Our ancestors used oils in ceremony and ritual hundreds and even thousands of years ago. Because many essential oils are still available, we can continue making our own blends today. In the past, oils were created by placing oil or fat over a heat source, and then adding fragrant herbs and flowers to the oil. Many companies today offer synthetic oils at a fraction of the cost of essential oils (essential oils are the ones actually extracted from a plant). However, for magical purposes it's best to use authentic, essential oils—these contain the magical properties of the plant, which synthetic oils do not have.
A History of Magical Oils
Author Sandra Kynes, who wrote Mixing Essential Oils for Magic, says "Aromatic plants in the form of oil and incense were elements of religious and therapeutic practices in early cultures worldwide. In addition, anointment with perfumes and fragrant oils was an almost universal practice."
In some folk magic traditions, such as Hoodoo, oils can be used for both anointing people and objects, such as candles. In some magical systems, such as various forms of Hoodoo, candle dressing oils are also used to anoint the skin, so many oils are blended in a way that is skin-safe. This way, they can be used for dressing candles and charms, but also can be worn on your body.
How to Make Your Own Blends
While many commercial vendors would have you believe that there's some Super Secret Magical Method for blending oils, it's actually pretty simple. First, determine your intent — whether you're creating a money oil to bring you prosperity, a love oil to boost your romantic encounters, or a ritual oil to use in ceremonies.
Once you've determined your intent, assemble the essential oils called for in the recipes. In a clean container, add 1/8 Cup of your base oil — this should be one of the following:
Using an eyedropper, add the essential oils in the recipes. Be sure to follow the recommended proportions. To mix, don't stir... swirl. Swish the essential oils into the base oil by swirling in a clockwise direction. Finally, consecrate your oils if your tradition requires it - and not all do. Make sure you store your oil blends in a place away from heat and moisture. Keep them in dark-colored glass bottles, and be sure to label them for use. Write the date on the label, and use within six months.
There are a number of ways you can use your oils in a ritual setting. They are often rubbed on candles for use in spellwork - this blends the powerful energies of the oil with the magical symbolism of the candle's color and the energy of the flame itself.
Sometimes, oils are used to anoint the body. If you are blending an oil to use for this purpose, be sure that you're not including any ingredients that are irritating to the skin. Some essential oils, such as frankincense and clove, will cause a reaction in sensitive skin and should only be used very sparingly, and diluted heavily before use. Oils applied to the body bring the wearer the energies of the oil — an Energy Oil will give you a much-needed boost, a Courage Oil will give you strength in the face of adversity.
Finally, crystals, amulets, talismans and other charms may be anointed with the magical oil of your choice. This is a great way to turn a simple mundane item into an item of magical power and energy
Magical Oil Recipes
Blessing Oil
This oil can be blended together in advance and used for any ritual requiring blessing, anointing or consecration oil. Use this blend of sandalwood, patchouli, and other scents when welcoming guests into a ritual circle, for anointing a new baby, consecrating magical tools, or any number of other magical purposes.
To make Blessing Oil, use 1/8 Cup base oil of your choice. Add the following:
5 drops Sandalwood
2 drops Camphor
1 drop Orange
1 drop Patchouli
As you blend the oils, visualize your intent, and take in the aroma. Know that this oil is sacred and magical. Label, date, and store in a cool, dark place.
Protection Oil
Blend up a bit of magical protection oil to keep yourself safe from psychic and magical attacks. This magical blend that includes lavender and mugwort can be used around your home and property, your car, or on people whom you wish to protect.
To make Protection Oil, use 1/8 Cup base oil of your choice. Add the following:
4 drops Patchouli
3 drops Lavender
1 drop Mugwort
1 drop Hyssop
As you blend the oils, visualize your intent, and take in the aroma. Know that this oil is sacred and magical. Label, date, and store in a cool, dark place.
Use Protection Oil to anoint yourself and those in your home. It will help keep you safe from psychic or magical attacks.
Gratitude Oil
Looking for a special oil blended for a gratitude ritual? Mix up a batch of this oil that features oils associated with thankfulness and gratitude, including rose and vetivert.
To make Gratitude Oil, use 1/8 Cup base oil of your choice. Add the following:
5 drops Rose
2 drops Vetivert
1 drop Agrimony
A pinch of ground cinnamon
Label, date, and store in a cool, dark place.
Money Oil
Blend this oil up ahead of time, and use in rituals calling for abundance, prosperity, good fortune, or financial success. Money spells are popular in many magical traditions, and you can incorporate this into your workings to bring prosperity your way.
To make Money Oil, use 1/8 Cup base oil of your choice. Add the following:
5 drops Sandalwood
5 drops Patchouli
2 drops Ginger
2 drops Vetivert
1 drop Orange
As you blend the oils, visualize your intent, and take in the aroma. Label, date, and store in a cool, dark place.
Abundance Ritual Oil
You, my love, are a money magnet.
Affirmation: "Money and success flow freely to me. I am abundant."
This prosperity oil can be used to attract money, abundance and success. A little bit goes a long way with this magical oil. This blend is beautifully handmade using essential oils, pure intention, crystals, herbs, Reiki and full moon energy.
-Sweet orange Increases physical and bio-electrical energy. Promotes feeling of joy.
-Frankincense was once more valuable than gold. It elevates low vibrational energy and will help us release parts of our ego which hold us back from connecting with our soul, as well as feelings of unworthiness and insecurity.
-Citrine crystal promotes creativity, self confidence, vitality, abundance, manifestation, inner strength, longevity, good work flow, excellent in aiding the finishing of projects.
-Chamomile - This herb will draw money luck to you
How To Use:
+ Use to anoint the solar plexus-( just where your diaphragm is, your second brain), wrists and neck
+ Anoint your money, your wallet, the palms before a business meeting, interview or signing a contract
+ Use to anoint candles
+ Use before a bath for a relaxing form of intention setting and manifestation!
+ Place on the body as an attraction oil
+ Use on your magical tools to add power
+ Use during meditation
All oils are made with herbs, crystals and essential oils, that were Reiki charged on the Full Moon for added healing power. When using, make it your everyday ritual to visualise. This oil is super powerful if you work with it.
Organic oils of, Grapeseed, sweet orange, grapefruit, frankincense, ylang ylang, orange peel, citrine crystal, chamomile flower, Reiki.
More Ways to Use Ritual Oils:
- Tune in to your surroundings. Choose an oil that attunes you to your ritual, Sabbat, deities or spells. To attune with a group, dab anointing oil on those around you so that your energies attune to each other.
- Bless or consecrate people and objects using your anointing oil. Anoint the person or the object with the oil while saying your consecrating prayer or blessing.
- Strengthen candle magic and other spell work. Using anointing oils adds power and focuses your intent.
- Attract money with anointing oils. Select oils with money-attracting properties to enhance any prosperity magic or rituals you do.
- Wear anointing oil with protection properties. Choose an oil based on whether you want to banish negative energies or you want general, overall protection.
- Choose anointing oils with beneficial scents. Anointing oils provide the health benefits associated with aromatherapy. Decide the health benefit you want to achieve. Then, pick a corresponding oil.
- Use anointing oils to enhance the atmosphere of whatever you're doing. In this way, you bring some magic into your everyday life.
Want to learn more about blending and brewing your own magical oils? Be sure to check out some of these great resources:
Sandra Kynes: Mixing Essential Oils for Magic - Aromatic Alchemy for Personal Blends
Scott Cunningham: The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews
Celeste Rayne Heldstab: Llewellyn's Complete Formulary of Magical Oils - Over 1200 Recipes, Potions & Tinctures for Everyday Use