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Happy August, Lughnasadh and Supermoon in Aquarius, witches! Here’s your witchy reminder to blow cinnamon (and/or whatever herbs you want like salt, pepper, rosemary, lavender, etc) at your front door on the first of the month to welcome prosperity, abundance and the intentions you set! If you have a money bowl, make sure you refresh it when you can, as well as, refresh your sigils and wards you may have on your windows and doors. You can use moon water to do this :) Of course this is completely optional, too!💛

Here are your printables for this month! In the attachments you’ll find a Planetary Forecast Calendar, Moon Phase Calendar and a Moon and Mood Tracker. Click on the links below to download your printables.

Come say hi on Discord and check out the coven chat! Here is a invite link if you don't have it☺️ https://discord.gg/jTnVTMkF



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