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There is snow on the way this weekend in New England! If you are also getting snow, here are some tips on how you can incorporate it into your craft if you choose. Do you use snow in your practice? This article is by Other Worldly Oracle.

Depending where you live, you might get snow every Winter. You might love the snow or hate it. But one thing is for sure – snow is one of the gods’ most beautiful creations. Here we identify snow’s magic properties and look at the many ways to cast snow spells for various intentions. Grab your magical shovel and dig in!

The Magick of Snow Days

Remember being a kid and having a snow day? It meant not going to school. It meant taking your sled to the tallest hill in your neighborhood and sledding down as fast as possible. Where I grew up in the Northeast, snow days were coveted by all the kids. I remember listening for our county’s school snow days to be announced on the radio and cheering with delight. And as soon as you were done making snow angels, sledding with your friends, and having snowball fights, you’d go inside and have a nice hot cup of cocoa.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I realize snow days for adults are quite a different matter. We have to shovel our driveways, brush the ice off windshields, pipes might burst, the salt sticks to our cars and many other wonderful things. But instead of complaining, why not use snow and ice to your magical advantage? Why not cast snow spells and make ice magick? In addition, take some time on snow days to rest and heal yourself. This is a great time to self-reflect and regenerate.

Snow Magic Properties

Snow is essentially a frozen, crystallized form of water. It takes on the magic properties of the water element, which includes: intuition, emotion, dreams, purification, healing, creation and destruction. However, snow’s magic properties differ just a bit from water’s, because of its unique form. They include:

* Quiet/silence

* Solitude

* Peace and harmony

* Rest and regeneration

* Deep self healing

* Gentle purification

* Creation AND destruction (depending on the quantity of snow, mirroring the water element)

* Uniqueness

* Beauty

* Family matters

* Patience

* Goddess work

* Femininity

Snow Spells: Ways to Use Snow in Your Magick

Everyone’s magick is unique and beautiful. What you choose to do with snow in your practice is only limited by your imagination and drive. That being said, we’ve found some awesome ways to cast snow spells and use snow in one’s witchcraft practice. Here are just a few:

- Collect snow in a jar and save the snow water

- Snow water can be used to purify your altar, home, magic tools

- Snow can be added directly to ritual baths for snow spells of the healing, self-love, and cleansing kind

- Bury your petition in the snow to “cool off” a situation (a snow spell that is temporarily binding)

- Use snow as an offering to Winter deities like Holda, Berchta, Odin, La Befana, the Cailleach, etc.

- Use snow when working with Winter fairies and spirits: anoint your third eye with snow to “see” them, use as offerings, etc.

- Melt in a pot with herbs and other ingredients to make a simmering potpourri then bottle and spray around the house to purify and bring a time of peace

- Make an infusion of snow water and herbs for floor washes and front door washes for various intentions

- Go out into the snow and build a snowman as offering to the Winter deities and spirits

- Go sledding with a focus on healing your inner child and bringing joy to your life

- Have a snowball fight with your friends or family to cool off a hot situation (if there’s a lot of discord in the home, etc.) and “let off steam” with each other

- Snow spells using floating candles – float the candles in snow water to merge fire and water elements

- Draw/paint pictures of your intentions into the snow with natural objects

- Make paper snowflakes to put in your grimoire when recording your snow spells

What ways do you like to use snow magic?





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