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Do you have a birthday coming up or know someone with a birthday coming soon?! Here are two birthday spells you could try! (The other one is in the image)



- Amber or Beech

- Lavender Oil

- A Gold or Yellow Candle


- Light your gold or yellow candle directly in front of you.

- In front of the lit candle, place your amber or beech in a fire-safe plate or bowl and light it with your candle.

- Take your lavender oil and put one drop on each wrist, your forehead, and the middle of your abdomen.

-Close your eyes. Breathe in the smoke from your herbs in deep breaths, slowly. Count out loud (if you can) until the age your are turning that day. Feel yourself get calmer and more balanced with each number you say.

- When you are finished counting, in your mind list the things you are looking forward to that day whether it’s lavish celebrations or quite activities. Let yourself get excited! When you feel the excitement creep up your body to your head open your eyes.

-Smother your candle’s flame and make sure your herb is completely burned out. Then go out and have a great birthday because you deserve it!





✨️ Wobble

Exciting! My birthday is 6th of March, should have been today but I guess I was stubborn 🤭