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Well that was a fair monster of a stream, and a couple of new Bad Company members to boot! Welcome aboard folks. Let me know your Twitch IDs and I'll add you to the wall of fame.  Meanwhile, because I'm a stats obsessive (as explained in several reduced episodes)  I gained 71 new follows (and climbing) as a result of today's stream with a peak of 251 people. Very nice indeed.  

The Transport Fever attack move is paying off nicely...  

Skye Storme, with his 70,000 avid subscribers published at the same time as me and landed 1650 views as of right now, while I packed in 1350. Most satisfactory - not that it's a competition you understand :)  

In other fun numbers, and it's been a month for that, it took me 17 months of making videos to gain my first 1000 subscribers, and that was in January of this year. It then took 5 months to gain the next 1000. 4 months for the third, and as of this evening I have hit 4,000 shimmering subscribing folk, 1 month after hitting 3000.    

Excuse me while I do a little dance.   




Hats off. That was genius. Enjoy your dance


I am THE Skipachu. Patreon, Twitch, Steam, etc. On the WWW, they're all me. :)

Johannes Saari

Oh my, those are good looking numbers, congrats!


Mighty mighty good - and i've sign up on Twitch and Patreon in the last 27 hours - Oh my what is the world coming to. (The Tsass) from a very nice Southern European town with a lovely tram stop)

Johannes Saari

Colonel! You have bigger "enemy" than Skye Storm, Squirrel started his own series and stream too. Yikes! :)


My Twitch handle is - Tsass0


I really like your style! Looking forward to see more of your streams. Hat's off to you, greetings from the Netherlands. P. S. Twitch name is also Pruto_pls

Philip "Hanse00" Hansen

I saw the entire stream as videos today (At 1.5x speed to make it a little more efficient), nice work. I'm definitely looking forward to the game myself. Twitch name is Hanse00.

Colonel Failure

The feedback on Squirrel's videos among the "experts" has not been favourable. It's a shame, because his Truck Sim videos are excellent.

Geoff Webber

Excellent work...well done. Have been following from afar. I'm hoping there will be some long service medals in the offing for the more enlightened amongst us ;-)

Norman Pohl-Dray

You well earned it :-) twitch name Napoleon231187

PlayMoto Gaming

well, i held my part of the deal: I became a patron, now it's time to stick to your end of the deal :-P