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Story by LUIS & CLX / Art by CLX

< Page 07 

SPANISH version

FRENCH version




It's been hell of a long ride, but word is out! Plus, you can easily guess what's coming up right after THIS last panel. If you feel them emotional, you ain't see nothing yet. Big boys are soft as a tender heart. ^^ On a technical note, the last panel was hard to get, spreading big muscled arms this way required some good references. You can notice I also took some liberties with the distance between them in order to put some light on some body parts, hem, I guess you feel me there...

LuisJa D’Cluix

Yes it has been an amazing ride so far and there is so much more to come... We finally get our boys getting closer... much closer...

Omar ajam

Love it , and thank you for making bucks armpits hairy , it’s really sexier like that