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Sue Storm was shown in the recent marvel rivals trailer, nobody was ready for the level of cake she brought to the table LOL, hope you all enjoy this fun little side project :D




Lovely! Been adoring all of the gooning content! Though will you be making a sequel to/any more more general gooning stuff like that first one with the purple "porn" manifestation?


I've never been much of a gooner but fuck,, if anything was gonna make me convert,, it's the way you draw these enticingly addictive asses 🤤🤤🍑😳


Glad you can still enjoy my work even if the kinks arnt your thing :D


I would love too! but as of now timeline wise im not sure when I will get to something like that, but there defaintly will be more in the future.

Lendale Kosar

Man, all of your new Rivals stuff has been so good. Can't wait to see what you cook up next




Hell yeah! Your art is incredible and even though gooning isnt my thing, hypno definitely is 🤤😵‍💫🤤

venom 2018

I hope you draw venom knocking a bunch of these girls up


Goodness you work quick lol. Great job!


That's fine it's not a race I just hoped you wouldn't leave so much untapped potential "on the floor" so to speak. I think it'd be even better if this "clearly unhealthy and detrimental thing" were showcases to be having "benefits" instead of just gaslighting through dialogue. Blurring the line between it being a "good" thing or not. Like the dick grows longer but stays harder before going away longer too, and balls inflating that keep you horny and more easily triggerable more often~

not fotever

I am sue storm’s ass addict!


Your Gooning artwork is why I subbed. KEEP IT UP. 👍🏽🔥