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This is my first male card ever, the process is the same as with the girls, although it is a pity that they do not have as many outfits as the girls do.

I made the Omnitrix too as a little extra detail , it's not like the original but it looks pretty haha.

Now he finally will join his cousin Gwen to fight together against crime, right?... right?



Pass: Omnitreeex/:b2



Francisco G (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 06:06:02 Oh you.... can we look forwad to some traps down the line?
2019-06-26 16:40:05 Oh you.... can we look forwad to some traps down the line?

Oh you.... can we look forwad to some traps down the line?

Rest Arino

I kinda wish the animations for the male character model would be updated. It's pretty bad how they walk/run. Still, thanks for this, he looks great.

Tyler Conley

Evaan, can you please convert Ben Tennyson to Blender so that way the model file can made for both 3D model softwares?