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I dont know who made the scene, it was in my studio folder, i love it haha. So credit to whoever made it.

A patch for Koikatu! and Koikatsu Party with all free updates, fan-made English translations and essential mods. It will allow you to load all character cards and scenes and give you countless gameplay improvements while still keeping the original, uncluttered feel of the game.  

For those who have had problems with transparent clothes or missing body parts or weird stuff, this will solve it, I hope.

Check out Marco´s page for more information!





this update broke some of your models


After applying this Tsuyu's Hair from MHA is absurdly misplaced. I'll try redoing the install just incase that fixes it again.


I dont know what could be wrong, i have all the HF Patches, and i have no problem with the MHA girls. Try the "KKManager" i think that is included in this update, there should be a new folder called like that in your root game.


That reminds me, there is a colorable 1-hand fingerless-glove for the hand slot in vanilla KK, it's more accurate than the gloves you put on Ryuko, since she only wears one red fingerless glove on the left hand. Literally unplayable lol