Waifu / Husbando Wars VI Winners! (Patreon)
Anime 1st Place :
- Nemuri Kayama - (My Hero Academia)
Videogames 1st Place :
- Serena - (Pokemon X Y)
Western animation and Cartoons 1st Place:
- Frankie Foster - (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
Male Character 1st Place:
- Izuku Midoriya - (My Hero Academia)
Frankie? Seriously? haha, she is a really cartoonish character, not always will look good on a 3d model but whatever i will do what i can.
I have read on past events of waifu wars, and we always have 2 eternal finalist that cant reach the 1st place just by a few votes. Daisy have been 3 times finalist, and Lucy 4 times in a row. So i might just consider these 2 beatiful girls here.
Wait for it!, thank you very much to all of you for voting and see you in the next WAIFU WARS!
Ahi se ven!