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And there she is, the winner of the Waifu Wars ™ VI !! :  Midnight from My Hero Academia.

Congratulations to all the winners! and thanks for voting! 

I couldnt make the new Birthday Suit, maybe some other time because i had a lot of problems just trying to port this one.

As always i hope you like it, and wait for the rest of the winners! See you soon people.


Update here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-hero-academia-43624987



Camille Barat

That was fast. I was expecting it for tomorrow or after that. Thanks a lot for your hard work and damn does she looks like the official one


Amazing. I seriously love this design. Big congratulations to the lovely winner Nemuri Kayama!


this is freaking amazing, great job as usual


LONG AWAITED! I'M SO HAPPY :D (though, is it just me, but between Miruko and Midnight, every time Evaan releases a new MHA girl, something happens to them in the manga soon before?) too bad Birthday Suit style couldn't be made, but oh well, I'm happy just having her.


Some damn fine work ❤

Escamvi (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 05:58:10 Amazing! Thanks for your hard work <3
2020-07-19 22:12:05 Amazing! Thanks for your hard work <3

Amazing! Thanks for your hard work <3

Justin Sahne

Her head doesn't load correctly for me, same issue as with your Froppy release. Is there anything I'm doing wrong?


Amazing work! Thanks!


you guys are using the wrong repack then use rx4 or 5. i had the issue before