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A cute dog girl for your collection. Not really my type of character / anime, but whatever. I hope you like it, enjoy.

IMPORTANT: There is a plugin included as an update for the KK Overlay Plugin, made by Manly Marco. It is necessary for the card to display correctly. You can also download it from his page.





Oh whoa! After a long time of looking for a Millhiore, and even taking a go at modelling her myself. Someone actually made a really great model of her! Great Job! I’ll be adding this to my collection, hehe~ >;3

Francisco G (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 05:55:09 i was not expecting this but damn........ can i wish for Leonmitchelli? :P or the rest of the girls for that matter.
2021-07-23 05:55:09 i was not expecting this but damn........ can i wish for Leonmitchelli? :P or the rest of the girls for that matter.
2021-07-23 05:55:09 i was not expecting this but damn........ can i wish for Leonmitchelli? :P or the rest of the girls for that matter.
2021-03-22 15:46:14 i was not expecting this but damn........ can i wish for Leonmitchelli? :P or the rest of the girls for that matter.

i was not expecting this but damn........ can i wish for Leonmitchelli? :P or the rest of the girls for that matter.


Great! You really have a talent for creating such cute works) I love her outfits and ... her eyes ...omg!