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an update for Whitney, with a Poke-MILF that I randomly picked, I swear it has nothing to do with my personal tastes.

Too bad she is an ice trainer, a grass type trainer and she would have been perfect... I mean, coming soon.




Nice but where's makima ? ;)


This looks amazing :) would love to see an update to Zelda eventually, with her new look from Tears of the Kingdom

C. Dominic

Oh my! back to the old days with pokemon? I can hardly wait


There's hope for Sabrina ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Still think there could of been a better choice then glacial like clair, hilda rework, mela, flannery or gloria but not complaining and am anticipated for Whitney at least it would be nice if you gave Whitney her Christmas outfit


your pokemon cards are the reason why I started following! Glad to see them back :D


Would you please make Elesa card from Pokemon BW2?


You can find 3d model of her for reference from pokemon masters.


Yes same I am surprised he don't do pokemon chars more frequently @Celeste


Also I'd like to know how he has what seems to be finished models but they usually aren't done for a week or 2 after that

Handsome Mode

I assume Evaan probably has templates for certain series with a lot of requests like the Pokegirls here so he doesn't have to start completely from scratch all the time. There is also the possibility he is working on other cards as well.