(8.New Round+Bulletin Board) Suggested Anime/Game/... Character Activity (invite-only website for all sponsors.Please comment below or message me)歡迎贊助者提供建議,但不一定採用,第八輪 CN/EN/JP/KR (Patreon)
Bulletin Board
PNormal/PGold posts have been deleted. PNormal/PGold文章已刪除
因官方禁止此兩文章,目前已刪除,(PNormal/PGold/every VIP)可私訊我來加入特定notion頁面。
Since these two articles are officially banned, they have been deleted. (PNormal/PGold/every VIP) You can send me a private message to add specific notion webpages.
歡迎贊助者提供建議,但不一定採用 欢迎赞助者提供建议,但不一定采用
Sponsors are welcome to make suggestions, but not necessarily adopted
스폰서는 제안을 환영하지만 반드시 채택되는 것은 아닙니다
1.限1,可留言或私訊 only one character. comment below or message me
2.我會產在我的個人notion網站,並邀請加入notion網站,請在文章下面留言 i will post suggestion character works on my personal notion page. i will invite you. please comment below
3.要等好幾天或很多天 wait for several days or many days
4.上傳後我會按下留言上的愛心鈕 i will press the heart button after i post the character.
5.目前有兩套色情詞一套非色換裝詞,可選擇1或2或sfw,不然會預設使用1 i have two prompt files. you could pick one or two. if not pick,i will choose one. one:sling shot bikini... two:x pasties bras...
6.每月1號開跟14號開,持續兩週 started at first and 14th of every month. Lasts two weeks