Sin Spire Dev Log 02 (2/2) (Patreon)
SinSpire02-EnemyPreview01.webm -
SinSpire02-Grabbed.webm -
SinSpire02-LegFight.webm -
Hello again! This is part two of the development update. If you missed the first part, you can catch up [here]. In this post, you'll find an image gallery of gifs, the latter three show the full nude models of the enemies in a fun fade transition, and I'll also provide more details about said enemies. Everything seen is still subject to change.
First up is The Witch. As the first stalker in the game, The Witch sets the precedent for stalker designs moving forward. The idea is that stalkers will generally resemble humans with some alterations. Here, The Witch features glowing eyes filled with rage but otherwise maintains a mostly human appearance.
Next is The Witness. Just as The Witch sets the standard for stalkers, The Witness does the same for lesser enemies, or monsters. For the monsters, I plan to experiment with unusual and eerie designs. While the game is an erotic game, it is also still a horror game. I aim to strike a balance between unsettling body horror and sexuality with these designs.
Speaking of body horror and sexuality, the Leg-Amalgam was fun to both model and animate. Fans of survival horror might recognize its design, which is heavily inspired by the mannequin enemy from Silent Hill 2. As one of my favourite franchises, you can expect to see a few more SH references in my monster designs. That said, only the concept is similar, design wise these are two sets of functioning legs that can move around nimbly and summersault to attack.
Once I’ve finished the objective system mentioned in the first half of the dev log, I’ll shift focus to implementing the “purification” system. The idea is that once you have sex with an enemy, they will despawn. This means that if you backtrack through a floor or die and need to retrace your steps, you won’t encounter the same enemy again. Currently, there is no penalty for using this system, but I’m considering adding a rechargeable meter of some kind so that you can’t just have sex with every enemy you encounter without consequence. I’ll see how the game plays with the basic system in place before making any of those decisions, though.
Thanks again for reading! As I won’t be focusing on monster designs this week, I can’t guarantee any new enemy showcases next week. If I get started on any animations however… well, we’ll see. Until then.