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Hey guys! It was brought to my attention by a couple people that there were some mobs that had some odd issues causing them to be completely white. Figured out that happens whenever the mobs eye textures (if separate from the main) are at a different resolution it just breaks the mob. This has been correct, among some other tweaks

Changelog: (2.0a and 2.0.1a)
-Fix for spider
-Fix for cave spider
-Fix for phantom
-Fix for bat
-Short grass texture redone/fixed
-Block Tweaks
-Redone terracotta (all blocks)
-Wandering Trader
-iron golem
-end portal
-experience orbs
-all logs redone
-noteblock redone

I really hope you all enjoy this update! If you have any issues, bugs, or suggestions please let me know!


Default HD 128x Beta 2.0.1a.zip


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