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The law of the one and the many. Things come together to become one thing. But eventually they breakdown to become many parts.

Just like burning something. Nothing has been destroyed. It just broken down into smaller particles. Nothing is missing. There is only transformation.

Nothing can be created out of thin air. Nothing can vanish into thin air.

The master lives in a world of transformation. Not in gains and losses.

Ninja 🦶🦶


Ninja's 'Burning Off' Analogy 🔥

The law of the one and the many. Things come together to become one thing. But eventually they breakdown to become many parts. Just like burning something. Nothing has been destroyed. It just broken down into smaller particles. Nothing is missing. There is only transformation. Nothing can be created out of thin air. Nothing can vanish into thin air. The master lives in a world of transformation. Not in gains and losses. Ninja 🦶🦶



Well said my friend. Beautiful family. and beautiful location. Love you mate