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YouTube deleted Mattys recent one so we have been having some logistical issues with uploading. Looks like glute of the week may become a patreon exclusive. Keep a look out for a new episode in the coming days



There's always Vimeo if you need an alternative video host!

Mike H

How many more Glute Of the Week can there be left to come? Lol

Mike H

Boom! Haha ! Then make them exclusive for sure!


I rather like it being a Patreon exclusive!

John Carter

They got tons of man butts left lol. And you should try to keep some of it on the regular platform bc that's what got me to finally come over. So this is great marketing for your Patreon!

Edmond Nicodemi

There's a ton of full nudity on YouTube I don't understand what problem you're having with it.

John Carter

Somebody told me of a site... I forget the name but it's FEMALES nude. It says for educational purposes but they are naked! I don't remember the channel bc obviously I don't care about naked women!!!

Edwin Lucin

When and where?