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  As I said I needed to change the tier level rewards. I know not everyone will be able to step up three dollars from the two dollar tier and I hope to still be able to entertain for your support you give. For those who can step up I am moving the weekly polled arts to the five dollar tier access. (The poll result from last week for 'inanimate TF' will still be posted as a two dollar tier and up release) Starting with this weeks poll results I will be posting the themed arts on the five dollar level and up access. 

  I hope this will help streamline my workload a little to allow me to get better at posting on time. I am trying to form a better schedule to keep me on track and not fall behind so much. Thank you all for the support you give and continue to give. You are all amazing people. 

  Those who feel they need to step away from supporting me a little, I understand. I don't want anyone to feel like they are being ripped off or spending more than they can comfortably afford. You have my eternal thanks for what you have offered and/or continue to offer, no matter how much you can offer. 


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