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Howdy you awesome people. Many of you already leave me comments on the pictures. Thank you. However many don't. (not a complaint) Why is that? I am just curious and trying to make some interaction happen with you all a little to better serve you. 

Additionally, is there something you would like to see me do more of to help create a more active community? I know I want to do more live streams and have full plans on getting more in the works soon. :D



I’s just shy.

Garry watts

I’m just lazy

Joe Blue

a bit shy and don't have much to say


Either the topic isn't something I'm into or I'm on the mobile app and don't have much time.


Nothing to add in most cases. I also feel the whole leaving the generic "Awesome work" or "I like it" comments to be hallow without something to add relevant to the post. I also just enjoy seeing the works as you post them and generally don't comment in general on most things unless I feel I have something worth while to add.


Same as Sprutkit really. Besides saying "Great job!" or "Amazing" I don't have anything to add for each piece. It's hard to really spark conversation or make a community on any topic, let alone fetish artwork. Plus there's 1:10:89 ratio, or only 1% of people make content, 9% participate, and 90% lurk. So far I've found asking questions is the best way to get more people to participate. That and consistently commenting on other people's comments.