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 Alright. The last couple weeks have been a whirling round of family obligations, loads of distance driving, club responsibilities and holiday needs. By all rights I've been away from my studio for what feels like forever and it has driven me around the bend a bit. :P

Couple side notes to attend to. . . 

Have you sent me a note or asked me a question lately but got no reply yet?
I'm not ignoring you. Honest. I have been waiting for a full day to get back to messages and comments with answers. I will reply to notes and comments that need addressed as soon as I can. If I open them right now I may loose them in the chaos that is life at the moment. Thank you for your patience and understanding so far. The last couple weeks of December has really washed over me like a rouge wave and I'm just now starting to claw my way to the surface for a breath of air.

I do hope everyone has a safe and fun New Years evening. Remember to find a designated driver, uber, cab. . . whatever means of transport you can find that keeps you from driving if you imbibe in that all important joy juice that is alcohol. I can not stress that enough. Drink responsibly and have fun, but get home safe. If you don't imbibe in booze, help to make sure someone else gets home safe. Let's start 2018 off with some much needed good karma. :D 

Wish I had more time but  am afraid I do need to pack up things for a family function on my wife's side, then drive a couple hundred miles before the evenings through to attend a family function on my side for the new year. I am very much looking forward to finishing this madness and getting back into a slower paced madness that is fun arts for you all. Take care my friends. You all rock in your own way! Cheers!  


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