A GoFundMe campaign has been started to help out (Patreon)
2018-04-17 05:14:30
2018-04-17 19:30:58
I have been advised by multiple people to get a go fund me page started to help ease the stress of the sudden move my wife and I have to do. This funding will help speed up my return to drawing all kinds of fun things for people here and in other places. This is strictly a 'help me move' funding and any left over change will help by anything we may need to make our new home (wherever it may end up) livable as soon as possible. Internet hook up and the like. Mostly it is going to be for a moving company and will likely be eaten up entirely by them at the end of the day. Still. It would greatly assist us in relieving stress, personal injuries (if we are doing all the heavy lifting) and time. I can not express how stressed I am right now to deal with all this in such a short time as it is, so any donations will be unbelievably received with joy and considerable relief.
If you can spare a bit here is the page. ( https://www.gofundme.com/moving-expenses-and-the-like )
Or here. ( https://ko-fi.com/V7V7CA1O ) my ko-fi.
Than you all so much already. Just the outpouring of kind words and wishful thoughts has been overwhelming as always. I am truly lucky to have so many wonderful people backing us up and it never ceases to amaze me the generosity and willingness to help a fellow human being that comes from the communities we all share here and in other sites. You all are amazing. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.