Getting closer (Patreon)
2018-05-17 16:03:17
2018-05-17 16:20:14
Got our place nearly all packed. A few things at the new place already. I'm hoping I'm using this phone app correctly to get this out to all you wonderful people. This is by far the most difficult move I've ever done. Got a few things to do to the house before I can set up my studio space once we make the big move this weekend. Going to need a day or two to get the yard managed too. The last people who lived there never mowed or delete with overgrown blackberry bushes. Should be interesting. Mostly I just wanted to say hi to you all and say I miss working on fun arts for everyone. It's been a trip so far and can't wait to get back in it all again. The upside to being away for a while has been a catalog of ideas I've been scribbling down to visit once set up and caught up. Woohoo! Catch all you cool cats later.