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  Update on my doctors visit yesterday. 

  My shoulder slows me down a little when I draw as it has some small bone spurs, torn cartilage and possible ripped muscle connections with loads of scar tissue. The x rays showed some small damage but not a lot of detail, however the doctor who then physically felt around my shoulder and moved my arm around was surprised how much popping and clicking it did and asked how I wasn't in pain. I told him it was like having an icepick permanently lodged in my shoulder and I've dealt with the discomfort for so long i hardly notice it most of the time. It's been growing worse so I decided I had to go see a specialist about it. (That's a lie. My loving wife told me right out that I had to go see one. :P ) I am going to be getting an MRI soon and then be discussing surgery in the near future. Not looking forward to that day.

  That all being fun and games, I am having a birthday tomorrow. (old person problems. Am I right? :P ) I plan on drinking a little, eating something good and celebrating with my wife and a couple friends maybe if they have the time. Or my wife doesn't just want a quiet evening together alone. Wink wink, nudge nudge. Know what I mean? 

  Should you decide to help me celebrate a little as the month continues on, let me know by swinging into my Amazon wish list and picking me up something fun. :D (  http://a.co/3YIQ2n9  ) Some already have and I've been trying to keep up with thank you drawings. I'm always amazed at how awesome so many are to support me, comment on my scribbles and in general just be fantastic friends and fans. You all rock sooooo much. Let no one tell you otherwise. Sure, anything you order from my wish list won't get to me by tomorrow, but the rest of the month could be filled with surprises still. Should you decide to get something, please make sure to leave a message with the gift so I know who sends me what. I don't want to let anyone slip by without a thank you. ;P 

I'll catch all you groovy people later. I am going to work on a comic page and some commission works today to try to stay ahead of myself a little. Take it easy and thank you all again for the kind words and support.


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