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 If you are on my Discord, I should let you know I am abandoning Discord entirely. It's been overtaken by a spammer and I am locked out of Discord right now, unable to log in to take care of the issue. Sorry folks. Someone ruined it for everyone. Should I ever get access again to Discord I may start a new server. However, right now I am trying to maintain my temper and just walk away from it. 
Again, if you are on my server, just jump ship and abandon the burning rubble it now is apparently. I will try to find another form of chat like server to start something like it in the future.
Spread the word please if you can. Thank you all. 



are there any images that were only posted on the discord server?

Jeroen van den Broek

Why leave the medium altogether just because you lost your password? Even if support can't help you, making a new account takes just a few seconds. I mean, there is no denying that Discord is currently the most relevant "chat like" solution out there and going for anything else is probably going to result in less people using it.


It was a real dumpster fire, twice over, before it was done with.