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I just got back a few hours ago. Found out my mother in-law was admitted to the hospital for emergency surgery the day I left. Going to be working on house hold chores and likely going to be traveling in the evenings to visit her a couple hours away for a few days. We will see. I need to desperately get more commissions so will most likely be taking more double blind coms that are going to be more extreme than most of my pin-up stuff. Details to come soon. My bills are piling up and my bank account will be overdrawn in the next day or two.

Stress and hectic emergencies this month are effecting my health, that and the canned recycled air of air travel during flu season, may be taking me down soon. Can October be done yet? I am soooo far behind work for here and am struggling every day to keep my shit together for more than a few minutes. 

Enough downer news. I need some fun again desperately. I'll get some more ideas, continue working double blind coms as best I can and return with some new steam built up as fast as I can.


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