While I collect my shit...Got a question for you. Yeah. You. (Patreon)
Alright, you and everyone else who thought this was about you. Or them. Or. . . Alright. My brain is toast still a bit. Trying to find levity in art and the wonderful support I've seen from all you. Yes. You too.
Do us a favor. (see how I didn't mention you directly there?) We would like you to look around through the old posts, refresh some ideas and leave comments if you like, but. Come back here to leave a comment for sure. We will read it. Honest (Now ya gotta help me).
The question on to comment back with is. . . "What would you like to see more types of themes, concepts or styles? In other words. "What do you like and would like to see more content of?" (Knew I could go a paragraph without pointing you out in particular. Thanks. You have been a real sport. We don't validate. Just drive the bus. Here's the keys. Go gas it up.)