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  Thanks to 2019 kicking me in the cock as a parting 'fuck you' to the year, I am fighting a cold right now. (Cock induced pain causes colds, right? I'm not a doctor, just watched ones played on TV. "Eeeeaaaagle!")

  Rather than subject viewers to the sounds of wet sniffled, coughs that sound like I'm pulling a load of wet concrete from my lungs and the sound of tissues being pulled from a box every few seconds... I plan on streaming a little art today with only music on, as I do final lines on the next page of the comic. No camera or microphone this time to spare those who don't wish to see death hovering behind me with every sniffle. Covering his face with a hazmat mask and avoiding physical contact with me. Yet feeling obligated to stand around and wait, just in case...

  I figure in an hour or so I might get the stream running. I need some tea and honey to make me feel like sitting up for an extended period of time first. And make sure my grandparents, (who are staying with me for a week or so) get some healthy breakfast first. Just going to set out some easy food options for them that don't require me to make anything while I'm under the weather.

  When I get closer I'll let everyone know at least half an hour before I start. See you all soon, cheers.  https://picarto.tv/immortaltom 


immortaltom - Picarto

immortaltom is live on Picarto.tv! Watch our streamer do Adult stuff and chat with likeminded people. 7395 have watched immortaltom's stream!


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