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Alright. So this is a bit of a mess right now. As many are aware, there is a virus going around that is nasty. I live in Washington state and the missus works near where things are going down in the medical fields. (I'm not giving many details about her here but it is seriously stressing how close she is working around the people currently infected and being treated.)
We are in a voluntary (her employers advise, strongly worded to comply) quarantine. I am on a high risk of infection watch as I have a compromised immune system from not working in public and mostly from having a heart attack a few years ago.
Every hour we are checking temperatures which is destroying our sleep. I had a spike in temp last night that set some alarms off but have leveled back down to normal again by morning. I am exhausted, stressed and fighting to maintain calm sanity. Normally I stay home all the time anyways, drawing and painting to earn some form of bill paying living. But now that I am being asked not to leave, I want to go out and do so much. :P Heh.
Emerald City Comic Con was to be my vacation from a year of stress and losses but I am canceling my couple days I was going to nerd out. I will have to attend next year.


Rather it is intended to keep people informed. Being as close to what is happening, I've some understanding how serious it is. Everyone should keep safe. Follow the CDC washing protocols and wash your hands up to your elbows if you are rightfully suppressing coughs or sneezes with your arm. Work from home if you have that option, if not, and I know many just can not, work from home. Be safe out there my awesome online family. I hope everyone remains healthy and unaffected on a personal scale. When my sleep deprived brain can I will be doing little but working on arts at least. Cheers all you amazing people. 



Dude, kinda in the same boat with wanting to go to Megacon in orlando in April. Some conventions (electronics/cars) expos have been canceled in april already. I feel for ya man. I'm hoping for the best for you an yours, stay safe and well. I hope you both get some much needed rest.

Jeremy Williams

Oof. That sucks a lot, man. I'm honestly feeling hesitant about going to the con I was gonna go to in June because of this stuff. Hope things improve for you


I figure it would not be worth the risk if it's something that happens yearly and you can go easily the next year with out missing anything life changing. (Except possibly the virus or a case of 'always Velcro-ed to your body screaming Full grown Pandas'.) (That's a hard one to shake free of. It's a whole de-velcro-ectomy and sobbing Pandas....according to a friend. Yeah, a friend who had it once. . . ) But with some luck, the warmer weather of June might be a safer time. We will all see.


Gotta keep yourself safe first in this case. The hobbies will still be there later.

George Blair

NO ONE CAN STOP YOU FROM NERDING OUT EVERY DAY IN YOUR OFFICE OF DOOM! ! All you can do is take reasonable precautions, get enough sleep, don't stress too much. All the parks and such should be real nice with all the people not there.


Be safe, here we are dealing with an outbreak of flu in the facility I work in. Thankfully, I am comfortable and used to biohazard gear, unlike many of my fellow staff. And yes! Wash you hands and arms regularly!!! Cannot stress that enough!


Heh, yeah. My office does supply me with a bevy of nerdery. And the action figures people have sent me through the years makes the silly nerditorium even more fun to relax in. I'm not supposed to leave the property unless it is to go to a doctors office or other immediate emergency. Just being tired is what is doing the most damage to my daily calm right now. :P But I feel like getting things done today, so arts and home projects are happening.