Checking in (Patreon)
I am getting myself sorted again. Art is starting to get sketched every day again. I'm finding the time to do some art for myself again and it seems to be helping me out a lot while I'm dealing with some heavy life things.
You are all amazingly supportive and awesome people. Each one of you all are important to me and make the communities I frequent and create for all the more appealing to be a part of. I can't express how fortunate I feel everyday I read a kind comment, get a DM or chat with folk about life and arts. I might not always reply, and I wish I did more, something I am working on too.
I turn the big 45 in two days. The first year in as many that I won't have a big BBQ weekend to bring people together and have a little backyard to-do. It feels strange and kind of empty. I thrive with people around me, even if I am not directly involved in conversations I am off to the side enjoying the chit chat among the communities I follow or the people surrounding me. The influences on my art topics are very easily seen as direct results from folk replying or chatting about the art I create or might like to try to create someday. Gatherings like my big Bday BBQ weekend did help a lot with my productivity. I am hoping to get more streams going again, on a more regular basis too. Just taking a little more time to recover. Sorry for that.
Still, should you feel interested in treating me to some bday goofery, peruse through my wishlists. BUT, do not spend on me what you may need more. You are important to me too and I want to make sure everyone is safe and able to spare the change before my selfish needs are tended to. Take care everyone. You are fantastic. Thank you
Under $30 list
The expensive list, I don't expect folks to buy from this for me, I mostly use it as a bookmark page for things I want to save up for a bit.