Thinking out loud... (Patreon)
Sorry I've been a bit off. Been dealing with a family emergency and cancer. Been stressed to my near limit but am recovering. I will be getting more arts done again soon. My arty kink brain cell has started to respond to a bit of fireside therapy. Due to air choked with forest fire smoke and a dry heat a burn ban kept me from my therapy fire.
Your comments and support have been amazing. I am sorry I have not been able to keep up with messages, notes or replies. Patreon rewards have been a mess and suffers greatly. I stress about them but want to do them so bad too. Just fighting a little. I'll get there. Please. If I owe you, help me keep track of what I owe you. I need the help. I love everyone in the many communities who are seemingly endless in kind words and welcoming friendships. I love you all.
Thank you for bearing with my babbling. You may go back to taking the world over and enslaving all humanity again. MwaahAAAAHaaaaa!