Almost there (Patreon)
2020-12-04 16:20:55
About an hour to streaming. Have head shot refs ready for your OC if you care to participate today. I'm going to eat a little breakfast, get some warm up sketching down while I sip some coffee and get buzzed on caffeine. 9:30-10:30 start (break at 10:30 to handle some sourdough I am baking today) Back by close to 11-11:15ish, then who knows. We will see how the day goes.
I am still working through some heavy anxieties about stepping back into the streaming and semi-public view. Please be patient. I will try to do as much as I can today so will not be as interactive in chat as I would like to be. I am going to be trying though. If I don't answer a question, it's just because I am focused on the art at hand and just not paying attention to anything else, nothing personal. I will try to reply when I can. see ya all soon I hope.