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I have not gone fishing. I'm rubbish at it anyways. Always trying to find the best lure for my line while avoiding the grocery store employees with my casting swing. But hey, It says 'fresh meat' over the counter, figure it's the choicest fishing hole.
Still rubbinsh at it.

None the less. You sat through that absurdity so you deserve a bit of what's going on too.
The missus and I are going offline for the next few days. Just doing a decompression and sparking some of that old flame again.

I won't be gone long, more arts are sure to come from this too, as I won't stop sketching. With luck, a little time away from so much digital visual fuel, I may grab some inspiration that is new and/or re formed in new fun ways. 


John Barten

You deserve a break. Thanks for the update and enjoy yourself.

Thea Inanimate

Have a good break Tom, hope you both enjoy yourself