More art soon (Patreon)
Got a couple household projects that need attended to for the next couple weeks. But some art will trickle through the mess. I'm hosting a small family/friends get together (bday month has arrived almost and it's tradition to combine a few peoples days to make one party)
And this last year has been a challenge to get anything done. Sooooooo
Yeah. Working on getting the house and yard kid friendly and elderly safe.
Thanks for the patience again. You all make me want to keep trucking with my arts. I've some more page layouts done for the continuing comic, hundreds of single figure sketches done as well as a large number of small comic strips with progressive changes. From cloud transformations to standard fare B.E., and everything in between you might expect me to doodle. And a couple you may not expect.
But yeah. It's crunch time here and I need to get some of my 'honey, do' list finished before I turn even older.
Care to surprise me with something in the meantime, my Amazon wish list is up. I'm going to be returning to my surprise art for surprise gifts again. And plan to get back to some live stream arts again as soon as things settle. Keep an eye here ya all beautiful people. I love ya each and every one. Cheers!
Book lust list;
Nerdy and fun things list;