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I am healing, not as fast as I would like, but the arm is getting better.
It doesn't take a lot to aggravate the injury and put me back a day or more recovery time.
It suuuucks.
My left hand is getting stronger at least. The metal parts holding the left wrist together has prevented me from using it much. Forced to stretch what I can do with my left.
I am struggling a lot still financially. Doctor visits and inability to do commissions as well as arts for here  has ravaged the little savings I have to live on.
I have a good week or so still till I can start art again more regularly. :(
Thank you all so much for the support right now. It does add some cushion to keeping lights on.
You are all such fantastic people. Never let anyone say otherwise.



This all said, I need to take some commissions and risk a little pain to earn some funds. Anyone got something that won't require a lot of fiddly detail to draw? I can tackle the art in short bursts and they would take me a while to get done. It's something I do not want to do, as I prefer a one on one, get it done as fast as possible for the commissioner, kind of schedule. Less likely to have something get lost in the shuffle. But I am getting stressed and very desperate.