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258 drawings (With a couple duplicate/alt versions) so far this year. This month is almost filled with scheduled pieces and next month has started to get filled out.
I have quite a few left in the wings still in raw sketch form and a few to scan still.

Currently I am running a schedule of released subjects as follows
Monday; MooMondays (Cow gals) ($2 tier and up)
Tuesday; CatTuesday (Cat gals) ($2 tier and up)
Wednesday; OC $25tier reward day ($2-$5 tier and up)
Thursday; TBD ($5 tier and up)
Friday; TBD ($5 tier and up)
Saturday; TBD ($5 tier and up)
Sunday; TBD ($2-$5 tier and up)



Dude, that is FANTASTIC!!! Congrats on pumping them out (no pun)


Wow, that is insane. Kinda of insane level of dedication you have man. Damn inspiring!