October is near (Patreon)
The month we all test our diabetic resistance.
The month we get dressed up, not for fancy dinner dates or anything. The month we dress up for fun. Silly, serious, scary, funny. Does it matter if you have fun with it? Probably not.
October has become one of my favorite months of the year. I get a chance to flex my cosplay builds I have been working on for a few years now. I get to see other peoples costumes and their builds.
Halloween is joy to me.
In addition to Halloween a local Comic Con is happening mid month. I am all manner of excited. Avoiding conventions for almost three years has hurt. I get a lot of my art drive by getting jazzed at comic conventions. Seeing the independent/self publishing booths really gets me excited to get more done.
So. October for all you lovely people...
($25tier reward level members. See the exclusive message for you for more details soon)
I am opening up ten spots for my comic con needs.
The first five spots are just to get me out of debt with my bank again and pay my water bill.
Themed spots are all about Halloween (Tricks or treats) or comic inspired OC pin-ups.
If you want a spot, please drop me a line in Discord please. ( https://discord.gg/YVfs75pv )
We can discuss cost and subject a little.
If nothing else, I want to take a moment and thank all you amazing people who support my endeavors. I would not still be creating kink/fun art still if it wasn't for all the kind words and financial backing. Thank you.