Arts in the works and news (Patreon)
I have some commissions I am finishing still. They will be out soon.
The year is closing fast and I feel so far it's been a good year, art wise.
I've managed a post a day so far and plan to continue to the end of the year. I'm enjoying drawing again.
This month is my favorite. I get to repaint some old cosplay props for upcoming parties and a local comic con.
The only downside is it's taken time from drawing. And the art has been largely bland with a few detailed pieces. I am looking forward to the year to come. Frequent posts won't happen as often. But the posts I do get up will be more detailed or captioned/word ballooned. I want to do more sequences I've had in minds for years. The comic will be seeing new light this coming year too. I'm hoping the long break will show in the quality. You all probably want to see a tour of the itLabs after all...right?
I had change in story telling for this continuing chapter. Give you a real scale perspective to the complex. So many labs divisions to be guided through. And I promise. The tour does link up with the story in progress.
I'm hoping by then I'll know what to do next.
Anyways my friends. I'm just saying, thank you.
Thanks for the support and kind words. You all help out in ways I can not describe.
Ya all rock!
Sincerely immortaltom immortaltom