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This year has been filled with worrisome moments.  But in the end it has been a rather pleasant year.

As a big thank you, I am making the entire year of 2022 art open at the $2 tier level.

Not to snub the higher tiers. It's the kind of gift I can offer everyone all at once. You five and up tiers will be getting some more exclusive art in the coming year, to be sure.

If you want to share a little, do me a favor. Find art from earlier years (start of my patreon to 2021) and share them in the community boards you may haunt.
Please link my Patreon if you do. It would be very helpful.
This is free reign to share the higher tier singles as well as offer a glimps into the madness you subscribe to here.

I only ask one boon. Don't share the ongoing comic. New pages will be getting made and posted in 2023. The upcoming years goal is to get at least a long, multi page tour of the iTLabs and offer up more single images in the 'verse.

You are all fantastic community members. I love ya all. Let's make the new year a joyful one. Cheers my friends. Cheers.


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