I feel ruined right now. (Patreon)
I do not know what the actual fuck is going on.
In the last week, an ambulance ride bill came in (2k I don't have), bullet hole found in my wife's car because we live in a shit part of town (insurance isn't covering all the costs for repair to the damaged door and door/window switches the bullet lodged into.), and yesterday my Grandfather was rushed to the hospital an hour away. My grandmother can't stay with him so I will be ferrying her back and forth two times a day for the foreseeable next few days.
While I was driving them to his hospital stay, someone stole a few packages off my front porch (because we live in a shit part of town). I don't know what's going on but I would like it to stop.
I think I have a couple drawings scheduled for posting already. There will be just a small slowdown for a short period. At least until I know my grandfather is clear of the hospital stay.
Sorry for the ranting. I am being quickly overwhelmed with emergencies. My brain is a mess at the moment.
I know I have rewards to get done, a couple commissions paid for and on the way too. I just don't know when. Sorry. I am trying.
Stay safe out there my friends. I love each and every one of you amazing people.