What's going on? (Patreon)
I had to get new xrays of my ribs yesterday. A couple fractures in my ribs that got missed in the ER have been discovered. I knew the pain I have been experiencing was more than just bruising. One of the fractures happened on top of one of an old break that had long ago healed already.
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! I just want a week of no pain and no emergencies. I feel like I have been on a marathon of emergencies for the last three years. It's growing tiresome.
Art is slowly coming. Commissions are on the way.
You are all being amazingly patient with my trials and tribulations. You have no idea how much that sooths my anxieties. I owe so many of you so much for the financial support as much as the emotional support I have been offered. Thank you all so very much. It means the world right now.
Keep safe out there. Hug those you cherish. Call a friend. Eat something decadent. Be the amazing persons I know you all are already. The world needs more of all of you. Thank you again.