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로우또 1등

There aren't many posts that can be received as compressed files starting from before October 22nd, but it's difficult to receive them. Is there any way to receive compressed files?

Ifrete (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-24 03:08:53 As you said Before October 22nd, we were not providing ZIP files. It seems that it is not easy to create and register a zip file for all previous posts. We will also create compressed files for past posts and register them one by one. If you are in a hurry and want something, I will create it and register it first.
2023-12-19 15:01:24 As you said Before October 22nd, we were not providing ZIP files. It seems that it is not easy to create and register a zip file for all previous posts. We will also create compressed files for past posts and register them one by one. If you are in a hurry and want something, I will create it and register it first.

As you said Before October 22nd, we were not providing ZIP files. It seems that it is not easy to create and register a zip file for all previous posts. We will also create compressed files for past posts and register them one by one. If you are in a hurry and want something, I will create it and register it first.

로우또 1등

Thank you for quick response. I'm really enjoying the recent works, but there are so many good things about the previous works that I want to keep them. I know you're very busy, but I'd like to receive the entire compressed file if possible. Please upload when you have time.