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So starting this year I decided to start a new endeavor, to develop a game! A hentai game, that would actually be fun to play! My inspiration comes from classic Sonic the Hedgehog games, and classic Megaman games, which ideas I will combine.

For the past months, since March, I've been busy learning C# and going through various tutorials and studied hard for it :3 

Then after making the initial playtest I realized that a Sonic-style game requires it's own physics, which I coded into the game throughout June, and finished about a week ago.

Now currently I'm finishing up some animations, after which I will create the ability to change skins or switch body types. But this is just laying the foundation for the project.

For the time being I'm only showing my game project quietly here and in my Discord. It'll be more prominently announced when it's more visually impressive.

At this point, I'm surprised there's anyone left supporting me, so for those who don't anymore, or just visit this page, this post will be free to view. I have no intention to stop drawing, but I've just been preoccupied with coding. So artworks come whenever I'm in the mood for it. And a shitload more later in the game development when I start drawing and animating all the CGs :3




this is awesome, good work! cant wait for more