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Okay, so for a long time now I've been meaning to make a character that's meant for not just the fat genre, but also meant to be used for actual weight gain-related content; so with that in mind, here's my newest character, Ginnette "Ginny" Gaines.

Now, I have a lot I want to try and get through, so please bear with me as I try to work through everything.

Backstory-wise, Ginny spent a lot of her free time playing videogames growing up, as she always considered them to be a fun hobby; but once she discovered videogame let's players on BoobTube and realized that she could turn her hobby into a (highly lucrative) career, she decided to make a name for herself as an online creator and professional let's player (maybe even becoming a videogame critic/journalist in the process).

So as soon as she moved out on her own and into her own apartment (with a roommate of course, because who can afford to live on their own these days? =p), she invested heavily into everything she'd need to get her let's play venture off the ground, especially a new gaming PC and plenty of sound-mixing and video-editing software, in order to get things rolling.

The first few months were kinda rocky, but with the help of her roommate (who soon became her best friend and unbeknownst to them, her crush), she was able to start churning out quality content for her BoobTube (and later Twinge) channels in no time at all; she was especially proud of her "Black Souls: Prepare to Fry Edition" let's play series (I hear it's actually quite funny - especially when she starts getting dreamy for the blacksmith character that upgraded her gear). X3

With that said though, after spending well over a year making content, she soon discovered that no matter how much work she put into making her let's plays and livestreams, she'd only ever get maybe a handful of viewers at any given time; which meant that despite doing it for over a year, she wasn't making any money from her online content (apparently a lot of other people had the same idea to be let's players too, so there was a lot of competition in her desired field, taking away potential viewers).

To support herself, she got a job with a telemarketing firm, selling various TV infomercial goods directly to consumers. She hated it, but it paid the bills and she still somehow had the free time to continue making content for her let's play channel. So although things weren't great, she saw it as a stepping stone to better things eventually.

By her second year however, her outlook started to change. After nearly two years as a content creator, she still wasn't making any headway, especially when it came to making her online career financially viable. And with her telemarketing job becoming more and more unbearable with each passing day, she began to fall into a depressive state.

To cope with her sadness, anger and frustration, she started to eat more and more "comfort" food on a daily basis. All of the pies, ice cream and sweets helped her to feel at least somewhat better about her situation (as well as the latest and greatest JRPG, of course), but they left quite the toll on her waistline in the process (which she didn't really mind to be honest - she was always kinda big, what would a few more pounds hurt?).

Within a month, she gained well over 100 lbs worth of fatty tissue, but weirdly enough, she gained something else during that timeframe.

Specifically, she gained followers; you see, despite being unsure about her role as a content creator, she still continued to make let's plays and livestreams throughout that month (she'd been doing it for over 2 years now - recording, editing and posting videos was practically second nature to her by this point). And as she "grew out", people began to notice her, with many willing to offer donations and support, so they could continue to see her grow (both figuratively and literally).

Needless to say, Ginnette wasn't really sure how to handle her new and sudden popularity. On the one hand, she was certainly glad for all of the money that her online presence now started to rake in (the donations alone allowed her to cut her hours at her telemarketing gig, so she was definitely happy about that). On the other hand though, a lot of her new fans seemed more interested in her blimpening body, rather than her actual content.

Was that all she was to them? Just a piece of "thicc hawtness" to be ogled at and pined for?

As the weeks passed though, she began to notice some other changes, both in herself and in other people. For one thing, more and more of her new fans began to look through her old videos; it turns out that they liked them, not just because of her "sexy phatness", but because they genuinely thought she was funny and entertaining to watch. True, there was still the occasional "creeper" she'd have to worry about; but more often than not, she was greeted with kind words, amazing game recommendations, and even some helpful criticisms, to better help her produce content (apparently the internet really could help build genuinely wholesome and supportive fan communities, who knew?).

As for the other thing, despite cutting down on her snacking, she was still continuing to gain weight (though at a much slower pace). After speaking to a doctor about her concerns, even going so far as to get some testing done, two weeks later, she'd get the news. Apparently she suffered from some kind of genetic disorder known as Adiposal Mitosia Disorder (or AMD for short). Simply put, her fat cells replicated faster than that of a normal person's cells. It wasn't anything too bad to worry about; in fact, if she exercised regularly and followed a special diet, she could slim down just as fast as she fattened up (since apparently her fat cells were able to dissolve just as quickly as they would form).

For Ginny, it was a relief to hear that it wasn't anything serious, but at the same time, it was also weirdly exciting. This was because, well...although she was concerned about her weight gain at first, weirdly enough, she also kinda liked it.

Seeing and feeling her body fatten up as it did, with the idea of her potentially becoming even bigger, plushier and "wobblier"; well, she kinda thought the idea to be weirdly exhilarating. Did that mean she now had a fat fetish? Well, probably not; after all, she only wanted to make herself fatter, and plumper, and "thiccer". She wasn't really interested in seeing other people being huge, she just wanted to see herself be the most "thicc and phatty hottie" she could be.  That's...that's not weird, right? :?

Besides, like what the doctor said, she could always slim back down again with proper diet and exercise, so she could go back to "normal" if she really wanted to.

But...why not see just how big she could get first? I mean, there wouldn't be any harm in seeing just how "phat" she could be, right? X3

Anyway, I believe that's everything for her backstory; I've already written up such a huge, rambly spiel as it is, so this might have to be it for now. Any other important notes I tried to include in the piece itself, but feel free to ask questions if you're at all curious to know more.

Either way, I hope you guys enjoy the new character and thanks for reading. =3

Ginnette and artwork copyright SatsumaLord




Oh heck yeah! Super awesome. Can't wait to see her waaaaaay past "huge." :3