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Ahoy All Access members! Since you guys voted for Kafka as the character mod you wanted most from us, let us know what kinda outfits you want us to port onto her!


  • We can port and kitbash costumes from Hoyo games or from our own mod series (search through galleries to suggest something).

  • We can resize/recolor costumes to fit.

  • The request costumes should fit within the animation armature of Kafka (or be edited to do so) - so basically she has a cape and arm flaps on her cape jacket thing, but no skirt or other loose elements.

  • Link to the gallery of the mod series you want us to port, or a pic of the costume from a Hoyo game you want ported.

  • We'll take these suggestions to a broader vote in a day or two!

We'll do some similar suggestion requests for the other front running Star Rail requests (Black Swan and Acheron (although Acheron has already received a few).

These off banner mods will be interleaved with on banner mods... I'm told Firefly will probably be quite popular when she runs, so I'm already thinking about it!




I think "Luxurious Raiden" with Kafkas OG proportions would be really nice, the 'adult' body type in star rail is so much more curvy than genshin, i cant see it being bad.


1.well as always the half nude mod never fails to work ;) 2.also her OG outfit kind of looks like an office lady outfit so maybe Xianyun Office Lady mod outfit could work on her as well (along with the jacket of course) 3.a kind of interesting bunny outfit will be something like this tho (but with some changes because i think there is already a mod like this on GB but im not so sure) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F2BTyqAaEAAOU7N?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 4.another bunny outfit suggestion (the addition of the glasses on this one is really good too she looks so good with glasses <3 :3) https://i.pximg.net/img-master/img/2024/03/24/06/42/15/117197441_p2_master1200.jpg yeah only bunny outfit suggestions i know but we all love bunny outfits tho XD


"Cloud Retainer Boss Lady Lewd" would look good on her.

鶴 申

lewd bondage pregnant Kafka please


Imma need a coat only with the usual goated piercings

Raven Cozer

That bad bitch yelan and Luxious raiden might look good on Kafka too.But I think Luxiuos raiden outfit is some kind of dress right


Im gonna insert bunny girl because thats my go to. So ignoring my first suggestion. My second suggestion will be taimanin outfits. Cause you know, kafka, demon hunter, taimanin, ninja that kill demons in skin tights stockings


bdsm leather faux latex dominatrix bikini lingerie sexy suit

Raven Cozer

How about this https://discord.com/channels/971945032552697897/1221760185970724936