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Arlecchino OG Body Multitoggle (Download)

  • Designed, Modelled and Textured by LewdLad

  • Arm texturing assistance provided by Detona on LewdModdingTeam


Arlecchino is back with several increasingly lewd variants of her original game outfit.

I attempted to get this working with the body slider script, but unfortunately couldn't sort out the bugs. As cool as the slider functionality is, it's also similarly buggy. There are various work around and fixes, but even after trying all that, I couldn't get it working as intended. Moreover, it seems to be incompatible with the namespace toggle mod - or at least in the way I was using it. Alas, it'd be good to get all the tech working well, but the amount of effort required to debug and troubleshoot for a single mod (speaking to other modders) would slow down overall mod releases significantly!

Well, whatever the case is we still have our own toggle system that still works perfectly fine! So enjoy Arlecchino in various states of undress with 3 x 3 Breast/Butt sizes to choose from! :D


Hot keys:

  • H - To toggle outfit

  • 6 - To toggle Breast Size

  • 7 - To toggle Thigh/Ass Size




Great work.


Love it. Can't wait for the version with pubes from the preview!


just realized this version also has a tattoo when her bond of life is active which is also nice