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Arlecchino Vampire Megatoggle (Member's Uncensored Gallery)

Arlecchino Vampire Megatoggle (Download)

  • Designed, Modelled and Textured by LewdLad

  • Arm texturing assistance provided by Detona on LewdModdingTeam


The popular Arlecchino Vampire Megatoggle returns for an encore! Although this variant overlaps between the OG and Crimson Knight variants, I've given it a bit more of its own flair - making the body slightly skinnier (sorry thicc fans), but giving it the full set of lingerie, as well as a perma womb tattoo, while removing her leg tattoos (which is actually more canon according to the original design of the skin). There's something a bit kinky about seeing all that milky white skin after you're used to seeing the black tattoo'd legs the entire time... plus this release probably has my single favourite variant for Arlecchino - gauntlets/cape/inner jacket, and bottomless with heels. It's just a... sleek look! ;)



Hot Keys

  • [6] Toggle Pauldrons & Cape

  • [7] Toggle Stockings

  • [Y] Toggle Gauntlets

  • [H] Toggle Bodysuit/Nipple Pasties/Pussy

  • [N] Toggle Armored Boots

  • [-] Quick Nude (Toggle)

  • [=] Quick Dressed (Toggle)



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