Swimsuit Bunny Robin Multitoggle (Download) (Patreon)
Update: Corrected the download link!
Swimsuit Bunny Robin Multitoggle (Member's Uncensored Gallery)
Swimsuit Bunny Robin Multitoggle (Public Gallery)
Base Body Designed, Modelled and Textured by Lewd Lad
Outfit Designed, Modelled and Textured by mimo4e
Additional texturing, coding and modelling assistance by Never from LewdModdingTeam
Hey everyone, Never here!
After the stunning debut of her original swimsuit/bunny outfit, Robin's back for another round, this time to show off her important bits! Alongside a tight thigh strap and restored neon sleeve texture, this is the definitive bunny Robin mod!
With individual toggles for her ears, sleeve accessories, top and bottom exposure, and heels, you can customise her to your liking! Either be a sexy bunnygirl idol or a stunning swimsuit model, the choice is yours!
As always, stay tuned for more Star Rail mods!
Hot keys:
6 - Toggle Bunny Ears
7 - Toggle Sleeves
Y - Toggle Bunny Suit Top
H - Toggle Bunny Suit Bottom
N - Toggle between Shoes and Bare Feet