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So, WW 1.1 hit a couple days ago, along with Jinshi the dragon lady magistrate on the new banner.

It also brought with it a bunch of back end game engine rendering pipeline changes that has thrown the previously perfectly working WWMI 1.0 out of whack!

Unfortunately, the result is that it's broken some pretty important bits that was making WWMI do amazing things.

But the good news is that Spectrum (lead dev of WWMI) and co. have been hard at working patching the holes left by the changes.

Essentially, the gist of it is 1.1 updated the way the skeleton animation data was transported in GPU, instead of a single unified space for that info, it was scattered across all the different material components used to render a character (6 to 8 per character!)

That would've made authoring WW mods a lot more difficult and restrictive - so Spectrum genius that he is figured out a way to get all the data from the different components and in the next frame stitch the mod together so that we could ignore this limitation!

Fantastic! The one frame delay isn't noticeable in gameplay either. It does have a slight limitation of when you see a clone NPC of the current player character unit (i.e. if you have Chixia selected and you see her in town) - it can't figure out which one is which one, and will jumble the parts... the workaround is that the mod is disabled while multiple characters of the same type are on the screen.

This is a pretty minor limitation in the grandscheme of things - and awesome that we'll be back into the swing of it soon - according to Spectrum, tomorrow if nothing else goes wrong!

TLDR: WWMI 1.1 should be available tomorrow, comes with minor limitation of disabling mods when multiple of the same character are on screen.


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