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Feixiao Microbikini + Jacket Toggle (Gallery)

  • Designed, Modelled and Textured by LewdLad

  • Additional texturing, coding, design and modelling assistance by Never from LewdModdingTeam


Yo dayo, Never here with another Feixiao mod! I've been working on Caesar for ZZZ but I found some time to get a microbikini top for Feixiao to match her bottom thong!

This mod also fixes the mark on her back for when she ults! I've been trying my best to get it as close to the default unmodded one and I think I've finally got it!

As per before, this mod also includes a jacket toggle!

Sharkcat out!


This mod will not work unless your Character quality in your Graphics Settings is set to high

This mod will (as I am told) also cause Boss Feixiao to break. I have yet to finish the story so I can't test it nor fix it yet. Please be patient


  • 'H' to toggle Jacket on/off

For usage with 3DM SRMI (Star Rail Model Importer)


Big Thanks to SilentNightSound for their work.

Buy them a coffee to help encourage the continued development of all these fantastic tools!







우 흑

When will the nude version be made?


Please remember that the modders are working on multiple mods at once so please be patient for nude Feixiao. Is a buff version feasible? Her natural arms look too small for someone who works out as much as her. Only her arms though, the rest looks good. They did her like Arataki Itto.